Trent & Kay Online The Vault

Volume 3, Issue 23

Trent & Kay Comic

Notes: This issue marks the beginning of the end. I must say that, as much as I like drawing the comic, it's not really easy to come up with stuff that can be contained in this kind of a strip week after week, and as this issue says, it's starting to all be the same. It's not to say that I would stop doing the strip even if I weren't graduating, but rather to say that maybe it's a good thing that my graduation comes at this time. Just to clear up some confusion, the second panel in the third row is Plankton blowing up, and has no relation to the panel of Khate that precedes it. Khate is simply there calling them morons. Anyway, since the Observer's printing people screwed up, this is the first "publication" of this issue where you can actually read the left side of the issue. Oh, and the reason Plankton dies four times in this issue is because I had to make up for the fact that I let him live a couple issues previous, and that kind of thing just shouldn't happen.

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